The aim of the workshop is to understand the connection between classical topics in automorphic forms, including the theory of Hecke operators, and concepts from discrete geometry, notably Ehrhart theory for convex polytopes, which manifests itself in the study of suitable Hilbert-Poincaré series.
The workshop takes place at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research at Bielefeld University. Note that due to the current situation, the number of participants is limited and applications are not longer possible.
09:30-10:15h: Ehrhart theory I
10:15-10:45h: Coffee
10:45-11:30h: Ehrhart theory II
11:45-12:30h: Modular forms I
12:30-14:00h: Lunch
14:00-14:45h: Modular forms II
14:45-15:45h: Coffee
15:45-16:45h: Hecke theory for modular forms
09:00-10:00h: Hecke theory for Ehrhart polynomials
10:00-10:45h: Coffee
10:45-12:30h: Hilbert-Poincaré series and a result of Rodriguez-Villegas
12:30-14:00h: Lunch
14:00-15:00h: Period polynomials, their zeta functions and connections to Ehrhart theory
Coffee and discussions